Stenchman gives big around the holidays, check it, another free fucking album (not just ten tunes either, a whopping 18 free tracks!). I'll this one a full proper review when I have the time, but just after a first listen, I can tell it's some most textured and musical work we seen from Stenchman yet. There's a little something for everybody. Upfront tear-outs, tech house bouncers, 8-bit stompers, mellow rollers, and musical gypsy tunes are all up for grabs, making for a perfect dubstep stocking stuffer. Grab this while it's up, 'cos it won't last long!
01. Stenchman – Antimatter 02. Stenchman – Big Trouble In Little Vagina 03. Stenchman – Coin Grab Fucktard 04. Stenchman – Free Will 05. Stenchman – Gregory 140 06. Stenchman – Spaceman (Stenchy Bootleg) 07. Stenchman – Intermission 08. Stenchman – Minor Shuffle 09. Stenchman – Next Level Mission 10. Stenchman – On The Road Again 11. Stenchman – How Many Are Alive 12. Stenchman – Psycho Killer 13. Stenchman – Psycho Killer (Dub) 14. Stenchman – This Is Important 15. Stenchman – When the Sun Goes Down 16. Stenchman – Won’t Get to Me 17. Markomen + Stenchman – The Strangler 18. Stenchman – The Cosmological Constant
Yes, yes, the Coki LP finally drops! No one drops a wobble like Coki. His bass sounds are warm, tortured, and full of heavy melancholy that can't be matched. Urban Ethics starts on with a stuttering wobbler, Shock It, designed to creep you out with it's dungeony bong-hit atmospheres and subtle horror undertones. The bass pattern and phrasing get especially hectic and paranoid after the second drop. This one's been well rinsed on DJ tracklists with good reason. Next two get deep and rootical with Old Hope and Serious. Serious feels like it should be part of a score for Jamaican crime film in a calm-before-the-storm scene. Who knows with all that's happened in Kingston gang siege this pass year, it could very well happen. It's got a dubby mellow bass, that familiar tension building jamaican guitar, and an eerie flute melody to tie all together. A little dusty and a lot smokey for the meditative folks. The 4th tack on the Lp is intermission time. I dunno Intergalactic feels a bit out of place to me, and I guess I'll chalk it up to artistic experimentation. I mean the album is basically flawless except for this disjointed track. It falters with it's off-kilter horn patterns and weird-fx palette.The melody is buried in the mix, and is nearly indistinguishable. A cracking snare is the only redemption. But nevermind that because the following three tunes are absolute classic Coki tear-outs. Robotnik is a phaser blaster wobble-out tune, that's heavy on droning filters, and evokes that prevalent feeling of murky sadness we get with a lot of Coki's work. Almost like a song a robot slave would sing while toiling on a Martian mining colony. It's daaaaaarkkkkk. But my favorite tune on the LP is the ferocious growler known as Animal. It's just so aggro and punchy with digital barks accenting an already stormin' bassline. It's fucking banging! Long tones of creepy pads, detuned organ riffs, buzzing bleep drops flesh out the rest of tune to make it truely dynamic. That's what I love about Coki, sure the man can craft a lethal bassline, but the attention he puts into the small cinematic details really takes it to the next level. Last tune on the LP is a bit of chill wobbler to help you come-down from the high of the previously tunes, or get you high all-over again, depending if you put this on loop or not. It works out either way. I can't recommend this LP highly enough. It's everything I love about good dubstep. Ignore 12th generation Coki imitators out there, and grab the real deal.
Well, here we have it, the song that finally broke dubstep. This is when Fonzi jumps the shark and we have to tune into to the next episode to see if he gets devoured or not. I've been mostly ducking the glut of noise merchants that have been disguising themselves as dubstep, for the better part of the year. Occasionally I'd check in to see if there were any diamonds in the rough, but for the most part, it's been all Borgore and Funtcase derivative wanna-bes. Until now. Loop Stepwalker (sigh, that name actually pains me to say out loud) delivers the next evolutionary step of filth in this self-proclaimed "electro-step" tune. Really it's just a mash-up of bro-step, house, and gabber. I'd compare it to when breakcore emerged out of the drum n bass and gabber scenes, but that'd be a disservice to the productions quality here. While I kind of loathe the actual tune, I can't deny the superior craftsmanship or innovation that's happening. It seems like it's a natural progression of the extreme switch-up bassline style that's been churned out the past two years, but mashing genres and executing in a crisp and professional manner. Anyways give a listen, and comment below and tell me to fuck off, I'm probably way off basis.
Talen is kinda borderline electro/breaks leaning heavy towards the dance-hall side of the electronica spectrum with some pop-influences. According to the one sheet:"The EP features the vocal talent of Lady Saw,Turbulence and Ward 21. Remix duty is handled by the Bass mafia international: Stereotyp, Kalbata, Robot Koch, Reverse Engineering, Son Of Kick, Filewile, I-Wolf and King Aron." The only tune that really stands out of Talen's original production with any kind of teeth is Batgirl and that's mostly because of Lady Saw's absolutely aggy flow (which reminds me a bit of Warrior Queen to be honest). But I admit the beats are cracking and club hot. His other productions sound like a polished tutorial out of Computer Music Magazine or XLR8R, often relying on conventional tricks, and rather obvious pop devices. Whiles it's not the worst music, I was cringing at few spots during Johnny Blaze feat. Turbulence... some of the melodies were far too sweet for my palette, and the choruses just grating.
The remixes fair much better than originals and are worthy of your time. Kalbata killed it on the Batgirl Remix. It's just a growling beast of a track, very fitting of the "future dancehall" label that their marketing department boasts. Absolutely murky. Son of Kick delivers an appropriately moody and grinding bass heavy version of Green Lantern, translating it nicely into a dubstep pattern. I can see this going off big in a deeper kind of set. It's not the filthiest nasty thing ever, but with the grimey spits of Ward 21 it doesn't have to be, and remains sufficiently thug. I'm kind of in awe of the Reverse Engineering flip of the script on their version of the remix, taking it to a dark Knightrider 80's vibe. Robot Koch cranks out a minimal tech-house post-step version of Johnny Blaze, that is bit easier to digest, although I'm still not feeling all of the vocal work of Turbulence. They can get kind of reggae r-n-b-ish at times, and really who want's that. I give him credit for toning down the cheesier elements as much he can. All in all this Ep is a bit of mixed bagged, with a few brilliant moments. I'm not so sure Batgirl, Green Lantern, and Johnny Blaze( aka Ghost Rider) have all that much in common other than they are comic book characters and Batgirl and Green Lantern are both owned by DC, so conceptually it could be more unified, but a fun idea none the less.
Tracklist: A1 Batgirl feat. Lady Saw A2 Green Lantern feat. Ward 21 A3 Johnny Blaze feat. Turbulence B1 Batgirl feat. Lady Saw (Kalbata Remix) B2 Green Lantern feat. Ward 21 (Son of Kick Remix) B3 Johnny Blaze feat. Turbulence (Robot Koch Remix)
Digital only (included with Vinyl 12”) 7. Batgirl feat. Lady Saw (I-Wolf Remix) 8. Batgirl feat. Lady Saw (Stereotyp Version 1) 9. Batgirl feat. Lady Saw (Stereotyp Version 2) 10. Green Lantern feat. Ward 21 (Reverse Engineering Remix) 11. Johnny Blaze feat. Turbulence (Filewile Remix) 12. Johnny Blaze feat. Turbulence (King Aron Remix)
My buddy Chris Hamilton from work shared me this link of this wicked bit of animation from Lilfuchs in that 60's Superjail evolving-zoom style. This is tune is from Flying Lotuses "Cosmogramma". I wonder if the digital burp noise was added in post or if it was in the original track. Either way feast on some eye and ear candy...
I missed this one dropping in late October by 12th Planet. I've met John a handful of times and it's always like I'm talking to an old friend that I haven't seen in ages. Just a really cool down to earth guy, which is very rare these days. Anyways he always brings the heat, and this mix is no exception. There a good scramble of nasty filth and loundness blended some deep, murky cuts. The unique thing about a 12th Planet mix is the kind of storyteller aspects to it. From the intro samples to the track selection, double drops and blends, he's always telling a bit of a tale around the campfire with earthquaking bass and syncopated beats. It certainly gives the mix a bit of a longer shelf-life than what normally passes through my iTunes.
Dont Want No - Midnight Republic ft LOTEK Very fresh, back to the roots dubstep here from Lotek from Melbourne, Australia. This guys been doing big things for awhile, he even produced "Speech Therapy" by Speech Debelle and won the UK Mercury Prize. Whatever the credentials, it's nice to hear a true dub inspired dubstep tune, which is surprisingly rare these days.
Bassnectar dropped this on Annie Nightingale's show before playing Fabric check it : Bassnectar- BBC Radio 1 Mix
It's hype mix of all the styles Bassnectar is know for dabbling in: dubstep, glitch hop, and even some dnb. Basically an all-out bass heavy assault. No track list unfortunately but it's banging all the way thru, and ends rather poetically. Do not miss.
Possibly even more interesting than this mix is a recent post Lorin mades on the Bassnectar blog regarding health and safety. Apparently someone died at the gig at the Aragon Ball room here in Chicago.
"I do not have all the details, but I am told he had ingested some kind of drug (potentially mdma?) and today his mother wrote into the site. I responded to her privately, out of respect. But I felt an even more pressing need to address this issue of ‘healthy & safety” with the rest of you."
I think that it's pretty cool for someone in the dance community to talk about being clear and present and encouraging others to do so or at very least "dance safe". Which to me equates at least with proper hydration, testing pills, and having knowledge of the drugs effects. As Lorin puts it
"Getting sidetracked by the specifics (MDMA, molly, hydration) or even by the question of what classifies as “Drugs” and what does not, all of this detracts from how important it is to cherish your life, to take care of yourself and those around you. There are so many ways to do this (educating yourself, discussing with others, making safe and wise decisions) but here is another reminder of how fragile life is, and how important it is to treat your body with extreme care. I have seen many people’s lives destroyed by drug abuse. For me personally, life is just too short and precious to take unnecessary risks, plus I have learned to love and prefer a strong, clear mind over anything else.
It's something I can get behind as I've lost several friends and acquaintances to drugs and depression from chemical abuse. To me there's not enough talk about it in the scene. It all tends to get glossed over fairly quickly, or even worse glamorized. Whether it's bad for business or people are afraid that they will come off as judgemental or preachy, it's not topic that's openly and calmly discussed enough. What I like about Lorin's post is that it is conversational and also addresses other aspects of general health. Give it a read.
Got some tunes from AZZXSSS (pronounced like the sinister "Axis" as in Axis vs. Allies) from Japan the other day. Here's a few of the sound cloud tunes one is a bit more on the tribal side (it's even called "Tribe"), like something The Others would drop in their Rinse FM set : Tribe - Azzxsss and the other is more on the garage/ 4/4 tip, I could see D-Bridge or N-type rinsing this : Ishikari - AZZXSSS. I always find it interesting how different countries will interpret the dubstep sound. Anything from Japan of course will bring to mind Goth Trad who blazed trails in the early days, taking complex ideas and presenting them in a simple and hypnotic format. I think Azzxsss carries on this tradition, but leans towards DJ friendly "tracks", while Goth Trad is more a "song"/ soundscape kind of guy. You can hear similarities in their sound palette but the approach is completely different. I found both tracks to be moody enough to take my mind off the day to day grind, and could really work well to take a set deeper into that escapist journey we all crave.
This tune is pure murder, and it's really cool to see a proper video for it. This what happens when the best of grime and dubstep collab with each other's strengths instead of mashing contrasting styles. Suhk Knight hits you with a murky riddim, and P. Money spits an anthem. It's got a flow and energy that can't be beat, each verse ripping your head off like a jackhammer. BTW, I love the intro, the drop really knocks you with an unexpected upper cut. There's plenty of humor mixed with the serious demeanor of the shots, that gives added interest to this, so it's not just another badman stance video. The randoms, cameos and extras, spitting along side P Money, who is wearing a shoe-laced hat on journey through the 'jects, is done in a pretty clever way. Well done all around I say. Shouts to YouDunKnow for the scoop. Safe bredrin.
Copped this one offa Hyperfrank. You may have first heard this scorcher on this years Plastician's May mix. It's really cool to hear the full track and see a vid with it. What is it about Spyda's vocals that just turns every tune epic in scope? That guy is just the perfect polish to any grime tune, giving it just a proper rude edge. Anyway's this one's a no-scope killer, so rendezvous at Bravo checkpoint and keep your head down.
Behold the glory of low-poly violence! This is a uplifting little drumstep/electro kind of tune, and fits right at home with Warp Records camp. It's a bit different from the normal Flying Lotus dubstep that you might be used to, as it's filled with all kinds of electro bit-crushed beeps and twisted casio sounds. And it's a message I can relate to. Kidding! The best part is you can download all 3D character files free at And upload your own works using them at
I found a wicked Panacea mix today, trolling thru If you don't know, it's one of the best mix search engines out there, specifically in the DNB/Dubstep genres. Anyways this an unapologetic hardcore rave mix. If that ain't your bag, you might as well skip out, as this is pretty full-on. It's got some of the best energy I've heard in a mix in a long time. While it's got some of usual rave staples, it does go quite a bit off the rails in spots to counterpoint some of the jump-up cheese. Funny little story about Panacea, I used to run a Carracho server back in the hotline days, called Raw N Rare, and he popped up on there using the alias Metal Heart. I asked him some questions only he would know about the gigs he played in Chicago, and as far as I can tell it was definitely him. Interesting character, I did a interview with for a local magazine, and he was kind of the fist persons to talks about the cuts and klicks scene, which sort of became glitch, glitch-hop and it's derivative genres. He was using it to score some indie film, apparently. Good to see he's still kicking out some bangers and throwing down some heavy beats.
Wow, now this how to promote a release. To be honest I'm not even really all into Skism or super over-tweaked noise-step, but I gotta post this up. It's a clever pisstake promo in sort of Spinal Tap kind of way. "Rise of the Idiots" indeed.
I always feel like I'm looking into the future when I listen to Excisions Shambhala mixes. This year is no different, and to be quite honest, has upped the ante considerably. Limits are smashed, rules thrown out the window, planets are eaten and galaxies are destroyed. A truly Galactus-sized mix that slams the underground's most deliquent and twisted productions right up in your grill, leaving you twitching on the floor. Yeah there's a few misses for me, a few tunes are just too R2D2 and filled with derivative transformery. What can I say, I am a finnicky mother-fucker when it comes to filthy basslines. I don't ape shit for every little wobble, womp, and robot burp. However on the whole, I will say there are some true sonic innovations that Excision has put together and presented in a masterful set. It's set that fully embraces the idea of taking it's listener on a journey and revealing an otherworldly experience that is the sum of it's part. It's got a sprinkle of pop, a dash groove, a pinch of soul, and a shit load of utter devastation. Really it's a fucking great listen.
I'm a bit slow on the UK news, being in some kind of Chicago limbo that I am, but anyways MAH quit Radio One. Here's her resignation letter:
"Yesterday I resigned from BBC Radio1, after an amazing multi-dimensional 14 year career. The great freedoms the BBC have given in me as a broadcaster, have allowed me to help break so many confrontational artists as diverse as Slipknot and Skream, and of course, the whole genre of Dubstep in recent times.
My current Experimental show is in peak condition, it’s never been stronger. And although it’s a very emotional decision to leave the show that I love so much, it’s also an optimum moment to bow out, at the very top of my game.
My work for Radio1 on the Breezeblock, Rock Show, many fascinating documentaries about everything from David Bowie to Dubstep, on daytime, at festivals and award ceremonies, has been exceptionally rewarding. These have been glory days not just for me, but for all the artists who have shared my BBC platform, and of course, the listeners everywhere from Beijing to Berlin, Baltimore to Blackpool, who shared a great passion for future sound.
I will continue to DJ live, work in film, and curate at Sonar festival in Barcelona.
I have also accepted a new job mentoring and teaching students at the University of Sheffield’s Union Of Students radio station, TV station and the newspaper that operate out of their superb Forge Media Hub, which presents me with a really exciting new challenge."
It's a bit of a loss to the Dubstep scene to say the least. She definitely helped put that sound out there. According to wikipedia : Her 2 hour special 'Dubstep Warz' on BBC Radio 1 in January 2006 is widely regarded as the show that broke the dubstep sound globally." So there. I wasn't always interested in her interpretation of the genre, but I've certainly appreciated all she's done for experimental music on the front lines. Big ups and respect to you Mary Anne Hobbs.
Here's a hilarious remix of Foreigner's "Cold As Ice" by Specimen A. I'm a sucker for the original, and I like that the fact the main hooks of the song remain in tact and it wasn't too deconstructed. The bassline is kinda on the average side, but I think the nostalgic arena rock vibe, wins this one over for me.
Rinse FM turns 16 and is giving away loads of free tunes. Here's the press release:
The countdown to Rinse FM’s 16th Birthday Party at matter has begun!
To get you on a hype we’ve got hold of 16 tracks from the likes of Benga, P Money, MA1, Bok Bok and more to give away free – one each day until the rave on Friday 10th September.
First up is Roska — whose remix of Katy B’s “Katy On A Mission” is available now on iTunes and will be available from all other digital stores this Sunday 29th August — with “Play Gamez”.
I don't usually get too in-depth with reviews, in the dawn of the internet age it usually seems kind of moot, you can usually listen to snippets and form your own opinion. But fuck it, might as well. Overall I feel the the hits out weigh the misses on this LP. Stenchman shows a bit of growth and restraint with this release as well delving more into musicality than we are used to seeing from him. Sometime it works and sometimes it doesn't. Prime Time Swine is an absolute slammer, grinding out on several top DJ's playlist ATM. The Putrid Creature and Gut Fucker VIPs are sick demolition tear outs. The moodiest track on here is Banks of the Nile, which haunting and kind of sad in a beautiful way. Love that tune, it really should of been the album opener but instead we got Too Filled With Horror to Cry. For such a strong title I was surprised at how weak of track it actually was. It was trying to be moody and minimal but honestly came across as bit bland and repetitive for me. Just not enough interesting bits in those loops get across the somber vibe that it was aiming for. Some other misses for me include the Lisztomania Remix, and the remix of Burials Archangel was a bit of a wobbly mess as well. But hey look, we got some new experiments form the Stench that work pretty well too. Thats the whole point of an album, right, exploring and mutating your sound, and editing down to the essential ideas. It's all bout the big picture, which works here. I think tunes like Cockeck and New Sock 2 Sock, give us some new ground that we haven't heard much of. Cockeck with jumpy horns punctuated with grinding bass, similar to the DNB flavored Gypsy Tart. And then New Sock 2 Socks, which has some creepy uncle samples and a murky bass. For that, you can forgive some of the mis-steps and chalk that shit up to artistic growth. It's a free download, that's at least worth a tenner. Don't forget to donate.
Tracklisting :
1 – Too Filled With Horror To Cry 2 – Prime Time Swine 3 – Archangel Remix 4 – Everything 5 – Cockeck 6 – Putrid Creature VIP 7 – Banks Of The Nile 8 – Lisztomania Remix 10 – Fuck Off 11 – Overtaker 12 – New Socks Two Socks 13 -Gutfucker VIP 14 – Gypsy Tart
Stenchman has asked that any kind donations for all his hard work go to Follow Stenchman on Twitter: @Stenchman
You Dun Know is at it again. Straight up sickness and sludge from the the one like Stinkahbell. He's one of the few producers that can drop a syrupy bassline and match it with an bouncing riddim, without throwing you into seizures. Its likes a more sophisticated form of brostep, without robot transformery, and more of synth-laced vibe. You can definitely hear the Skream and Coki influences in his tunes and selections.The mix is tight and he draws from some seasoned pro's as well an arsenal of personal dubs. Highlights:Don’t Tell Mum About Ibizia, Street Sweeper X, Metal Mouth mixing into Go Remix mixing into Judgement Day, the whole ending.
1. Stinkahbell & PSY : AM – Don’t Tell Mum About Ibizia 2. Stinkahbell – Street Sweeper X 3. Stinkahbell - Frankenstien 4. Skream – WTF 5. Kromestar – Head No Good 6. Stinkahbell – Stalker VIP 7. Stinkahbell – Shit On Me 8. Trolley Snatcha – We Rock The Forest 9. Stinkahbell – GTS 10. Skream – Metal Mouth 11. Stinkahbell VS Skandle – Go Remix 12. Cotti – Judgement Day 13. Stinkahbell – Sub Conscience 14. Stinkahbell – Brandon & Kevin 15. Professor Green – Just Be Good To Green (Joker Remix) 16. Stinkahbell – Takes It Out Of Me 17. Skream – Stand Up 18. Stinkahbell VS Selah- Woman’s World Remix 19. Stinkahbell – Zone 4 20. Stinkahbell – Pretty in Pink 21. DJ Kayper & Engine-EarZ – Gimee Some 22. Mz. Bratt – Selectah 23. Benga – Mini Moto 24. Stinkahbell – Losing Tracks 25. Stinkahbell – Uggs 26. Stinkahbell VS JP – Jungle Skank Remix 27. DJ Zinc (Feat. Nolay) – Killa Sound (Skreamix) 28. Mindflow – Crunch 29. Stinkahbell VS – Wayne Marshell – Dub Spot
Big summertime mix from Deco of Deceast Blog. Deep dubby vibes, tropical flavors, and enough swerve to make you spill your Mai Tai on your sandals there buddy. I gotta say I'm digging this dub tiki. It's nice change of pace from getting bombarded with same old crunchy beats and robot destruction basslines, but still clubby enough to catch a groove. Well done I say. Deco – Deceast Mix Series #001
01. Liquid Stranger – Deep Down Below [Interchill]
02. Bro Safari – Amazon Rock [forthcoming Deceast]
03. DJ Madd – Detroit Skank [Boka]
04. F – Energy Distortion [7even]
05. Matt-U & Headhunter – The Chosen One [Black Box]
06. Twisted – Shifter [Stoke]
07. DJ Madd – Dub Marine [Black Box]
08. Martyn – Shadowcasting [Revolve:r]
09. DJG – Avoid The Noid [Pushing Red]
10. Mayhem & Distal – Frozen Barnacles [forthcoming Surefire Sound]
11. Von DJ & DJ Madd – Cold Night [Lutetia]
12. Fluid – Aftershocks [Mode One]
13. Ruckspin – Jibber [Ranking]
14. Mayhem & Section 8 – Miles In The Sky [forthcoming Deceast]
15. Matt-U – Jump [Wheel & Deal]
16. Break – Thin Ice [Symmetry]
17. DJ Madd – Numbers (Matt-U Remix) [Boombap]
18. Mayhem – After All [dubplate]
19. Daega Sound System – SOS [Blipswitch]
20. Egyptrixx – Hexagon Ya [Aaahh! Real Monsters]
21. Flux Pavilion – Normalize [Circus]
22. Marcus Visionary – Pepper Pot [Liondub International]
23. Marcus Visionary – Surinam [Liondub International]
24. Matt-U – Void [Black Box]
25. Misanthrop – Shadow [Neosignal]
26. Matt-U – Peyote [SCUM]
27. F – Forever [7even]
28. DJG – Duality [Pushing Red]
29. DJG & XI – Putney Says [Surefire Sound]
30. Martyn – Vancouver [3024]
31. Bulletproof – Teardrops [Cyanide]
32. ID – Slope [Sub Slayers]
Here's a nice little article on the Dubstep crossing over to the US scene. It's been doing it course from the nearly the start, but it's great to have some recognition in a fine UK publication like the Sun. At least it wasn't on page 3. All kidding aside it really is great to see US Dubstep get a bit of write from the home of it all. I actually couldn't agree with the article more, although I wish Joe Nice would have got a name drop as one of the early US DJs pushing the sound. Can't win them all. Smog and Argon were well repped, and I have to agree that they are some the best US Dubstep labels around. Congrats to all mentioned, enjoy your holiday in the Sun.
1st video is Serial Killer dub, that is brutal. I think you can see some of Zew's(from Bassdrive) head in this haha.
2nd Vid, is just Rusko N Skream mid tag-team... something with a crazy tearing bass line.
Man, I obviosly don't know how to record club video very well on my iPhone, the sound on this is extremely blow out, so please turn it almost all the way down (at least to a quarter of the full volume). I'm fully not responsible for you destroying your speakers or eardrums if you don't heed my warning. This is more about just giving the vibe of this raw B2B w/ Skream and Rusko. It was amazing, one of the best dubstep gigs I've ever been to hands down. Thanks to Drew at SMOG and Brandon from Further Sound for putting this on. All the DJs (Pablo Hassan, Juan Basshead, 12th Planet, Richie August) killed it that night, but Skream B2B Rusko was extra SICK! Just a rarity that hasn't happened in like 5 years.
If you get past the horrible Flash Gordon intro and the ridiculous name of this mix, there's actually some jams on here. Actually didn't know Muffler crossed over to dubstep as well. It starts out pretty hard and noisey, but actually really dig the way he eases into the party rock and house tunes. I'm feeling that section of the mix the most.
Well Rusko has twittered this morning that he's posted up a round two of his lost dubs up on YouDunKnow
Rusko - Lost Dubs Part Deaux 1. Skream – Dutch Flowers (Ruskos Trial Inna Baylon Mix) 2. Rusko – Rats 3. Rusko – Get Down Low 4. Rusko – Oh My Gosh 5. Rusko – How Low Can You Gizzo
Dutch Flowers, How Low Can You Gizzo and Rats of course are classics.l It's very generous of everyone giving away all these freebies. Big ups Rusko and YouDunKnow.
Big thug-step mix from the Russian trio of Giant. Hailing from St. Petersburg, this crew can slap it down longside UK's most aggy. They got tunes on Hench, Dub Police, and Subway, check the interview and mix the did for Knowledge Mag.
Slum Dogz - In The Hood Caspa - Marmite (Doctor P Remix) KGB - Kicking Like This Rusko & Clipz - Scareware Mindflow - Switched Benga - Little Bits Rusko & Buraka - Jump Up KGB - Ghetto Blasta Flux Pavilion - Hold Me Close Rusko - Kumon Kumon Flux Pavilion - Haunt You Hatcha - Dark Claps D1 - Ongie Bongie Giant - Badman Forward Rusko - Feel Tha Music Eddie K & Minus - Serial Killa Ft. Beezy Giant - Collins Booster KGB & Giant - Hands Up Rusko - Period Giant - Party Starter Doctor P - Sweet Shop (Flux Pavilion Remix) Benga - 808 Giant - Punani! Slum Dogz - For All Time Flux Pavilion - Excuse Me Rusko - 4 Seasons Of Rave Drop The Lime - Devils Eyes (Rossi B & Luca Rmx) Diplo & Robyn - Dancehall Queen
Recorded live at our event at The Thekla, Bristol with Bristol promoters Monkey!Knife!Fight! and clothing company Fly53; FOOmagazine present Plastician and P Money – History of Dubstep live set. There's a lot of the usual suspects on here as well as few deep cuts. Much like what you'd expect from a Plastician history lesson. The sound is a bit murky on here and I don't mean that in a good way, like it was recorded inside a laundry bag. P Money is way too hype on his spits, in full-on jibba jabba raving mode. I wish this was a studio mix and I could me more pumped on it, but as it stands barely worth the listen.
Tracklisting: Masterstepz – Melody Groove Chronicles – Black Puppet Reservoir Dogs – Buddha Finger DJ Zinc – 138 Trek DJ Zinc – Go DJ Wookie – Storm Menta – Sounds Of The Future Artwork – Red Alias – Fight Club Musical Mob – Pulse X Bootleg – Eskimob Wizzbit – Jamhot Alias – Gladiator Plasticman – Venom Plasticman – Hard Graft Digital Mystikz – Anti War Dub Skream – Lightning Skream – Midnight Request Line Coki – Burning Rusko – Jahova Benga & Coki – Night Skream – Chest Boxing Coki – Tortured Macabre Unit – Lift Off VIP Benga – Joker – Gully Brook Lane (Plastician Special) Wiley – Morgue Plasticman – Jackal Riddim Plasticman – Section 7 Wiley – So Amazing Terror Danjah – Creepy Crawler 12th Planet – Sixty Eight Boogaloo Crew – Days Go By Chase & Status – Saxon Emalkay – When I Look At You Magnetic Man – Mad Simian Mobile Disco – Cruel Intentions (Joker Remix) Skream – Filth Trolley Snatcha – We Rock The Forest Mr Virgo – Megaman Doctor P – Sweet Shop Redlight – MDMA Skream – Wibbler Skream – Raw Dogz Skream – Untitled Bassline Smith – Fu Manchu Flux Pavillion – Got To Know Rude Kid – Electric Plastician – Elixir Joker – Tron Sukh Knight – Shutdown Teddy – Dirtbag VIP Teddy – Modern Warfare Instrumental Kosheen – Guilty (Plastician Remix) Flux Pavillion – Normalize P Money – Left The Room (Skream Remix) Plastician & 12th Planet – West Croydon
At long last we have the D Double E - Streetfighter video and I have to say it's a bit of a let down. I love the tune, no spits like D Double, but the freshman level Motion Graphics is pretty wack on this. Just a little too obvious and literal with the illustrative, typographic lyrics. I feel like I've seen it before. Still, love the the tune, even though it's been quite rinsed at this point.
Skream is giving this one out for "I Need Air" charting all the way up at #6 in the UK. It's funny because I always thought this tune was by Coki. Maybe I heard it the first time during Coki/Hatch set on Kiss FM, but it does kind of have that Coki wobble to it. Anyways Raw Dogs is a big aggy tune, any DJ should be stoked to cop it for free. Big ups to Skream for the slew of freebies, and YouDunKnow for hosting this one. Seems like I'm constantly re-blogging those guys lately, but they are just on it. Skream - Raw Dogs
You all have probably heard MAD by now, I posted it up a couple of weeks ago, but the Magnetic Man - Essential is some next level shit. Grab it, no TL for now, but it's littered with dubs that you should not miss. I finally catching up to all the mixes I missed last week because I was busy as fuck and sick as a dog. Not good combo, let me tell ya. Anyways enjoy this mix, it's huge. Be sure to buy "I Need Air" and if you are feeling it. It already broke into the UK top ten, would be great to see it chart in the states as well. Magnetic Man - Essential Mix - 240710
thanks to murky21 on dubstep forum here is a TL, incomplete in a few spots but that's understandable:
Tracklist [000:00] 01. Essential Mix - Intro (02:31) [002:31] 02. ID - ID (02:15) [004:46] 03. ID - ID (02:15) [007:01] 04. ID - ID (01:48) [008:49] 05. Magnetic Man feat. Ms Dynamite - Fire (04:31) [013:20] 06. Benga - 808 (02:15) [015:35] 07. Redlight - Stupid (01:48) [017:23] 08. DJ Zinc - Killa Sound (Skream Remix) (03:50) [021:13] 09. Nero - Welcome Reality (03:09) [024:22] 10. ID - ID (02:42) [027:05] 11. Benga - Smack Your Bitch Up (02:15) [029:20] 12. Nero - Innocence (02:42) [032:02] 13. Drumsound & Bassline Smith - Fu Man Chu (Dubstep Mix) (01:47) [033:49] 14. Redlight feat. Ms Dynamite - What You Talkin' About (00:55) [034:44] 15. Magnetic Man - ID (02:42) [037:27] 16. ID - ID (02:42) [040:09] 17. ID - ID (02:14) [042:23] 18. Joker & TC - It Ain't Got A Name (03:10) [045:34] 19. Magnetic Man - The Bug (02:42) [048:16] 20. ID - ID (03:23) [051:39] 21. Skream - Rollin' Kicks VIP (02:52) [054:31] 22. Magnetic Man feat. Angela Hunte - I Need Air (04:03) [058:35] 23. Magnetic Man - MAD (01:35) [060:09] 24. Skream - Raw Dogz (02:16) [062:26] 25. Skream - Wibbler (04:29) [066:55] 26. Crissy Criss - Kick Snare VIP (01:21) [068:16] 27. Sub Focus - Last Jungle (02:42) [070:58] 28. Skream - Stand Up (00:27) [071:25] 29. Mz Bratt - Selecta (01:18) [072:43] 30. Heist - I'm A Killer (140 BPM Edit) (02:18) [075:02] 31. P-Money - Left The Room (Skreamix) (02:42) [077:44] 32. James Blake - CMYK (01:35) [079:19] 33. Estelle - I Can Be A Freak (ID Bootleg) (02:02) [081:20] 34. ID - I Warned Ya (02:42) [084:03] 35. Trolley Snatcha - Pass Me By (02:15) [086:18] 36. TC & Jakes - Real Talk VIP (03:37) [089:54] 37. ID - ID (00:54) [090:48] 38. Skream - WTF? (01:35) [092:23] 39. Benga & Youngman - Ho! (03:23) [095:46] 40. Benga - Mini Motor Cross (01:48) [097:34] 41. ID - ID (01:21) [098:55] 42. ID - ID (02:14) [101:09] 43. Toddla T - Sky Surfing (Benga Remix) (01:50) [102:59] 44. Subscape - Just Because (01:48) [104:47] 45. Benga - Who Remembers (02:15) [107:02] 46. ID - ID (02:15) [109:17] 47. Skream feat. Sam Frank - Where You Should Be (04:07) [113:24] 48. ID - ID (01:21) [114:45] 49. Magnetic Man feat. Katy B - Perfect Stranger (04:49)
Pure fire mix from Caspa on Kiss FM. Probably one of the best sets I've heard from him, just ton's of energy and some bubblin' new tunes, proper selection all the way thru. For those of you Caspa haters out there, give this one a go, it may just change your mind.
1. Mr Virgo - Mega Man 2. B Live feat. Spyda, Newham Generals & Skepta - Modern Warfare 3. Skream - What The Fuck You Lookin At? 4. Joker & TC - It Aint Got A Name 5. Stinkahbell - Stalker VIP 6. The Others - Off The Wall 7. Caspa & Subscape - Geordie Racer 8. Example - Dirty Face (Benga Remix) 9. Flux Pavillion - Got To Know 10. Katy B & Benga - Katy On A Mission 11. Magnetic Man – Mad 12. Tempa T vs Musical Mob - Next Hype vs Pulse X 13. Emalkay - When I Look At You 14. D Double E - Streetfighter Riddim 15. Skream – Wibbler 16. Trolley Snatcha - We Rock The Forest 17. Freestylers - Cracks (Flux Pavillion Remix) 18. Sukh Knight – Shutdown 19. Drumsound & Bassline Smith - Fu Manchu 20. Foreign Beggars - Seven Figure Swagger (Plastician Remix)
I can barely keep up with all the free releases happening right now. YouDunKnow has been on the pulse for several exclusive dubstep freebies this week. The following is ganked straight from their blog. You all should be reading that on the regular anyways:
First up SKREAM!
So after the success of volumes 1 and 2, featuring tracks from Skreams vault of riddims, Skream asked Dubstep Forum & Twitter what they wanted to hear on volume 3 and this time he delivered big time.
1. Skream – Meta-Lick 2. Skream – Rollin 3. Skream – Pick Ya knees Up 4. Skream – Metal Mouth 5. Skream – Lets Go Fucking Mental 6. Skream – Behind The Curtain 7. Geiom – Reminissin (Skreams Tribal 44 mix) 8. Geeneus – Now Is The Time (Skreamix) 9. Dr.Blue and The Time Travellers – Dr.Who Dub (Skreamix)
Don’t Forget to Pre-Order Skreams debut album, Outside the Box, NOW! Release date is 09/08/10
1. Rusko – Japes Yeah 2. Rusko – Jump Up 3. Rusko – Gully Flute 4. Rusko – Redeye (Live Mix) 5. Rusko – Snes Dub 2 6. Rusko – Gyal-Dem Inna Codiene Style
Dubstep heavy weight, Benga. His last EP featured a track called, No Bra No Panties, but for some reason or another, the released version contained no main drums. To make up for this Benga has uploaded the full track for free. Thanks to Benga for this, the free downloads from the leading artists are stacking up nicely.
Fresh has always been hit or miss for me, but I really dig this tune. It's got a nice vocal line and doesn't go over the top with pop sweetness and polish. This jump roping video just kinda connects with the summertime vibe of the song, and I think it works pretty good. Check out the dude in the Bears hat repping Chicago!
Courtesy BBC Radio 1 and Skream tears Glastonbury a new one. Lot's of crowd noise on the recording but it just goes to show you the power of a live gig. Again we see the welcomed blend of dubstep and crack house, which Skream rarely does on Rinse FM. I'm stoked to see this happening on a more regular basis. To me it's all just bass music really, so it's nice to see the border collapse a bit. Anyways this set is a full-on face melter, with several exclusive dubs detonating the dance floor. Crowd is wild, especially on "In for the Kill" LaRoux remix, sent shivers down my spine, wish I was there. No TL.
This mix is ridiculously off the hook. Straight hot mixed bangers, all the way thru. No TL, but fucking download it. Plenty of dubs mixed in with the hits. Double drops and teases galore, and even dips into some crazy-ass crack house. GetDarker killing it recently.
Bassnectar- Massive Attack Bootleg Remix Check it out, a little bit of west coast nerdcore glitch-hop for you. It's actually not super glitchy, but you know what I mean, it's over processed. Shit gets hot around the 2 minute mark. Gotta love that whiny gangster b-line. Bassnectar come correct as usual.
1. Pitfall 2. Minimool 3. Robin S – Show Me Love (Skreamix) 4. The Dead Weather – Cut Like A Buffalo (Skreamix)
It's been all over the blogs this morning, Skream releasing a small free EP just before his "Outside The Box" LP comes out. Thanks to You Dun Know, I finally got an actual link that's not an embed. BRAP! The Dead Weather remix is the true win here, but I do like me the grinding bass of Pitfall as well. Swing over the pond of gators and jump over quicksand into 8 bit glory! Robin S remix is purely a down-tuned suicidal dirge (granted the last few minutes get silly). Man, Skream bringing back the big melancholy sounds on this. Minimool is a self described mimimal tune for the chill out room. Anyways big ups to Skream for some quality freebies, the new album looks like it's going to be massive, you all should cop it when it comes out. Tempa will release Skream's Outside the Box on July 26th, 2010.
This one slipped past me, it was posted back up in April. I loved this tune every since I've heard Zinc drop it on Rinse in instrumental form. I'm well feeling the vocal mix as well, which is a rarity I must admit. This video has a african voodoo witch doctor night club vibe, and feature lots of glow-in-the dark body paint. Reminds me of some Hype Williams Busta Rhymes/ Missy Elliot vids, minus the fisheye lens and slightly less cheesy. Anyways good fun, check it out.
It's been a hot minute since i brocked out to some new Dillinja, I'm well over due. This mix is about a week old, and I'm not even the sure if the photo is Dillinja or not, as I ganked it off the VLV site. Anyways, it's mentasms and distorted 808's at their best. For some reason he still likes those light airy vocals, which always leaves me puzzled. But it wouldn't be Dillinja otherwise. Enjoy this quick little 28 minute mix.
Interesting idea from this DJ Solo character from Chicago. IMO too much vocal takeovers on here, I could really do with a bit smaller chunks of that, but this is at very least an interesting listen and a different take on the typical mash-up mixes. Give it a crack:
01. So Vexed (DJ SOLO Meth Lab Edit) - Funtcase x Crissy Criss 02. Ghost Train (feat. DJ SOLO) - Datsik (Mechano) 03. Inspector Toast Fucking Says Fuck You (DJ SOLO Edit) - Diesel x Lily Allen 04. Lounge Act 2.5 (DJ SOLO Bootleg) - Tek-One x Nirvana 05. Shuttin' Down The Sweet Shop (DJ SOLO Mega-Leg): a) Sweet Box - DJ SOLO b) Sweet Shop (Moskas Curved Remix) c) Sweet Shop (Robzords and Damo Remix) 06. Drop It Like B-More Bam Bam (DJ SOLO Bootleg) - Snoop Dogg x DJ Fashen 07. Chicago Mobster Dance (feat. DJ SOLO) - Doctor P (Rasputin's Gold) 08. Love (That's What She Said feat. DJ SOLO) - Borgore 09. Starman (DJ SOLO Anunnaki Bootleg) - Tek-One x David Bowie 10. High Plains Drifter (Manson Family Remix feat. DJ SOLO x3) - Beastie Boys 11. Sandman Raving On Molly (DJ SOLO Bootleg) - Cookie Monsta x Metallica x Beastie Boys 12. Bass Punx! (feat. DJ SOLO) - Steppa & Kitcha (Let's Go Get Em) 13. My Story (Interlude feat. DJ SOLO) - Black Sabbath 14. I Used To Love Her (Fuck Hip-Hop feat. DJ SOLO) - Free The Robots (Orion's Belt Buckle) 15. Gold and A Pager (feat. DJ SOLO) - Cool Kids 16. Punk Rockers At The Circle K (DJ SOLO Bootleg)- Trolley Snatch x Iggy Pop 17. Forgot About Tainted Dreams (DJ SOLO Bootleg) - Chrispy x Soft Cell x Eurythmics x Eminem 18. Kiss Me I'm Polish (DJ SOLO Remix)- DJ SOLO x Eddie Blazonczyk
Congrats to Rinse FM on getting an FM License and having their podcasts on iTunes. I found this on their website this morning:
Rinse FM has been awarded an FM radio licence.
Thankyou to all our listeners and supporters past and present.
From the Rinse FM gang — Est. 1994. Online since 2002.
I've only been listening 3 years or so, but congrats!! Definitely educated me on lot of bass driven music. I don't think I'd be as into dubstep, grime, and crack house like am I today if it wasn't for this station.
I've never heard Datsik Dj so this could be cool, or completely wack, kind of a toss-up really. I'm not feeling too much of the bro'ed out noise-step these days but it's cool to see a big electronic event take place at Metro and SmartBar at the same time. Makes it fell like one of the London super clubs that Chicago really never gets to see anymore (since Shelter closed way back in the day). I don't count shit Crobar since they never really played DNB or Dubstep there. Anyways here's the info:
Video (in Metro) by the Chicago Art Department + the machinist http://www. themachinist
Tickets: $13 advance $16 day of
18+ / (21+ to enter Smartbar) Doors: 10PM / Show: 10PM - 4AM All attendees will enter through Metro. If you are 21+ you will receive a wristband good for entry into Smartbar. No one under 21 will be allowed entry into Smartbar.
Metro & SmartBar 3730 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL 60613
Pure summer time DNB vibes from John B. The Gmorosov Remix of Rebel Yell is the big win here. He should remix Billie Idol's whole catalog, it just fits so perfectly with that trance & bass vibe. Of course there's a few tear-out tracks on here as well as some electro dnb that John B is so well known for. Download this for your next boat party or 80's movie marathon. JOHN B PODCAST 077 TRACKLIST
1. Culture Shock // Surprise [Ram] 2. Die & Interface ft. William Cartwright // Bright Lights [Clear Skyz] 3. Lenzman feat. Riya // Open Page [Metaheadz] 4. Bad Robot // Deep End [Subsonix] 5. Electrosoul System & Cutworks // Milkway Odyssey [Kosmos] 6. Culture Shock // Bad Red [Ram] 7. High Rankin // State Pump [Beta] 8. Pendulum feat. Liam Howlett // Immunize [Earstorm] 9. Lenzman feat. Jo-S // Coincidence [Metalheadz] 10. Funkstar Deluxe // Do You Feel (Metrik Remix) 11. Subsonik // Hold On 12. Noisia // Split the Atom (Ed Rush & Optical Remix) [Vision] 13. Lenzman // Masquerade [Metalheadz] 14. Cube // Night Trip [Beta] 15. Blu Mar Ten // Overwhelm (Seba Remix) [BluMarTen] 16. Netsky // Let's Leave Tomorrow [Hospital] 17. McLean // Finally In Love (Camo & Krooked Remix) 18. Camo & Krooked // Climax [Hospital] 19. Rusko feat. Amber Coffman // Hold On (Subfocus Remix) 20. Rockwell // Full Circle [Shogun] 21. Netsky // Escape [Hospital] 22. Sigma // Stronger [BBK] 23. Billy Idol // Rebel Yell (Gmorosov Remix) 24. D*Minds // T-10 (Gangster Step Remix) [D-Style] 25. Alex Reece // Pulp Fiction [Metalheadz]
This one's a been making the rounds for quite awhile but it's nice of You Dun Know, Rusko, and Mad Decent for the freebie, as it's a banger. Good note to go out on for a Friday, and a Blackhawks Parade!
And the last part of the press conference was even more insightful. “Well you know; I’m always over here,” Mr Mosely said to the question, ‘What do you think of the UK music scene?’ before continuing with a very debatable statement. “The UK scene… they’re always telling me that I started it. You have Dub-bass…” As he said that, George Lamb of T4 and son of Larry Lamb fame, interjected with ‘Dubstep?’ and Tim schooled him. “Yeah, dubstep but I call it dub-bass [as the room laugh]. It’s the bass that drives the music. It’s funny cos they went back to some of my old music that really created that sound and just, instead of going fast, they went slow with more bass. To me, I like it but they call it dubstep. I like how they dance to it now, it’s cool.”
Um, so you are telling me El-B and Horsepower were influenced by Timbaland? How about Skream, Benga, Mala, Coki? C'mon now, those dudes were clearly on a different tip. That's some arrogant displaced boasting and wishful thinking right there. Timba, shut up and let your music do the talking for you. Just need to enter an email address to download. It doesn't even need to be your email address. Before you get all you bedroom DJs get crazy excited, it's only a 3 min track, not super DJ friendly. Decent rolling tune. As always I like the the vibes of MIA vocals of over the dubstep wobbles and snappy snares. Big up to 12th Planet on this one!
Fun show with loads and loads of new tracks debuting. Several new Skream, Benga and Magnetic Man dubs. They chat quite a bit so if that annoys you, you might want to hold off, but honestly I find it entertaining. Proper radio show right here. the Skrenga sessions!
Big gangsta step tune from the trio of Skream, Benga, and Artwork, aka Magnetic Man. It's got a groovy west-coast vibe, but still churns out a proper amount of UK Sludge. Good driving-late-at-night tune.
This years May Mix drops with a new title for the series: Sound That Speaks Volumes. Those that been following Plasticians show at Rinse will be familiar with the vast majority of the tunes on here. It's leaning towards the grime/pop side of dubstep, but he still manages to work in some dutty wobblers and bangers. Plastician is one of dubstep finest ambassadors so have a listen, the mix is flawless par usual.
1. Youthman & Luce – Brother Don’t Cry 2. Redlight – MDMA 3. D Double E – Woo Riddim 4. Flux Pavillion – Got To Know 5. Boogaloo Crew – Days Go BY 6. Skream – Raw Dogz 7. Joker – Tron (Kromestar Remix) 8. Chew Lips – Salt Air (Plastician Remix) 9. Trolley Snatcha – We Rock The Forest 10. G Tank – Electronic Era ++ Tempa T – Boy Off Da Ting Acapella 11. Rude Kid – Electric 12. Plastician & 12th Planet – West Croydon 13. 12th Planet Feat. Juakali – Reasons (Doctor P Remix) 14. D Double E – Streetfighter 15. Joker & TC – It Aint Got A Name 16. Om Unit – Searching 17. Benga – Transform 18. Drumsound & Bassline Smith – R U Ready (Dubstep Mix) 19. Simian Mobile Disco – Cruel Intentions (Joker Remix) 20. Doctor P – Sweet Shop 21. P Money – Left The Room (Skreamix) 22. Teddy & G Tank – Ghanaian Fire 23. Distance – No Warning 24. Paul Harris – I Want You (Bar9 Remix) 25. Flux Pavillion – Normalize 26. Stinkahbell – Stalker 27. Mr Virgo – Cinema 28. Joker – Digidesign (Om Unit’s Pop Lock Remix) 29. Om Unit – The Corridor
I'd be absolutely remiss if I didn't post this up. Massive lesson in historic bass weight, brought to you by those that know. School up on your dubstep, this shit is large. Even with the occasional annoying chatting, still a very worthwhile lesson. It's not all whale noises and robots you know. Info:
On Tuesday 18th May 2010, Get Darker TV 47 was bought to you by Darkside, Distance & Cyrus, who took you on a musical journey through the years of dubstep.
Cafe Lura 3184 N Milwaukee Ave Northwest Side, Chicago | Map 773-736-3033 El: Blue to Belmont. Bus: 53, 56, 77 | Directions Prices Tickets: $10, before 11pm $7 Description Beats and BBQ? This is a combo that we can get down with. FurtherSound, one of the finest purveyors of cutting-edge DJ culture in the city, hosts grimey beat man EVOL of L.A.'s Smog as the spotlight guest for this month's edition of its regular foray into dubstep (with a side of spare ribs). Also in the mix is drum 'n' bass and house-spanning DJ Deej from Jacksonville, Florida. Joining them are Indianapolis's SYMBL, Ruckus and FurtherSound frontman Brandon S. When Fri 9pm
you gotta sign up for an email list to download this, but well worth the trouble. I'm normally not feeling the metal/dub/dnb remixes but this tune actually actually has a decent b-line and doesn't rely on the samps to carry it.
Eski House? WTF? Well I confess I'm a bit in the dark about some of these mutant strains of house happening at the moment, but from what I can tell it's a bit of a clash up w/ UK Funky and Grime. There's a bit of soca riddim (sometimes 2-step), grime stabs/synths, the womp bass, and a few horns blasts. That's Eski House. Don't know if the DJ coined it, or some blogger or what. Don't really car to be honest. I originally found it by stumbling on this blog, so if you are interested in more details check it out, because I probably explained it all ass-backwards: Dot Alt. The mix itself does a good job weaving the funk and the grime into a sweet little piece of ear candy, only occasionally dipping into the top-40 sounding swag.