I always feel like I'm looking into the future when I listen to Excisions Shambhala mixes. This year is no different, and to be quite honest, has upped the ante considerably. Limits are smashed, rules thrown out the window, planets are eaten and galaxies are destroyed. A truly Galactus-sized mix that slams the underground's most deliquent and twisted productions right up in your grill, leaving you twitching on the floor. Yeah there's a few misses for me, a few tunes are just too R2D2 and filled with derivative transformery. What can I say, I am a finnicky mother-fucker when it comes to filthy basslines. I don't ape shit for every little wobble, womp, and robot burp. However on the whole, I will say there are some true sonic innovations that Excision has put together and presented in a masterful set. It's set that fully embraces the idea of taking it's listener on a journey and revealing an otherworldly experience that is the sum of it's part. It's got a sprinkle of pop, a dash groove, a pinch of soul, and a shit load of utter devastation. Really it's a fucking great listen.