I know you lived in Brooklyn for a minute and were involved with Dub War NYC, give us a bit of back story and history of your Dub War days. Is that when you were first exposed to dubstep?
Well, I went to College in Brooklyn, New York after immigrating from Trinidad & Tobago. While in College I got into spoken word and hip hop, was rippin and runnin all over New York City with a group known as Second2Last. After I left college, the group more or less fizzled. Life happened! It was no longer about being the hot shit on the block or looking for cred. It became increasingly clear that a huge sacrifice would have to be made by each person to realize our collective vision. Sacrifice undertakes a different meaning for every individual. In short, it became too much. Meanwhile, I always knew I wanted to get into singing and performing utilizing my talents. At the time - around 2004 - I was looking into any genre of music that sampled from reggae/ ragga/ Caribbean music/vocals. A few things in my life at the time ushered me into the life style of an artist and I took the time to honor those moments and make the best of my knowledge of the music industry and performance circuit. I researched for 2 months, sent emails to over 500 people and got about 25 serious replies. One of those people was from a guy going by dqxt who invited me to the first Dub War night at Sputnik in Brooklyn. There I met Dave (aka Dave Q, dqxt) and Joe (Joe Nice). I became a resident after that 1st night on the mic.
I know you did that "Reasons" tune with 12th Planet for the SMOG Scion CD Sampler
I like that you don't just have a typical dancehall flow, and you branch out with some pop culture references in your lyrics talking about Coors beers, Gamera, Hendrix and Yoda in "Freak You Back"
My style and voice has definitely evolved over time. I have been a host and feature performer since 2005. I have learned how to get a crowed moving, jumping, to be still and to listen without loosing sight or pace with the event, promoter, DJ or myself. My greatest lessons came from performing for an audience whose first language is not English. If you can rock a crowd that does not understand what you're saying, you can wow any native speaker who has never heard of you! I've learned to hone my strengths and laugh at my weaknesses on the stage. As far as lyrics go, I tend to bury a message in the song write. I started typing out my lyrics to the tunes I've done and didn't really start paying attention to it until reading it back on the computer. I can write a party song with a message, I can write a dark song with a message... it comes natural to me. I enjoy telling a story or writing about a particular experience. When I began hosting, I made it a point to not utter any cliché catch phrases to hype the crowd, a bunch of my own phrases have naturally developed from my creative process and I have made choruses from them. At Dub War we have long since called "dark" dubstep "sexy".
Here are the lyrics to "Freak You Back".
This one here smoothie groovy
Pour the loosey goosey tonic
Grab this young gyal me choose she
Caribbean Sea flex
From Trinidad to Haiti Cuba to Bahamas like them cruise be
Wanna sip something fruity
Rum Punch and Margarita the Samba
Barista come pour a Daiquiri
Fit n Sharp this yout' be
When me walk about
Sweeter juice akin to black berry
Chorus: We gonna Freak You Back Hands-on in the club All wall occupied in the club We gonna Freak You Back Come dance in da club Right cha now lights off in da club (x2)
Move 'bout as a loner
Show up paparazzi smile
Flashy without camera
Sound check, green room, toast it up
Take stage, rock 'bout like Hendrix ask Nona
“Voulez vous…” Juakali see you
Hypnotize by the sound
Speak backward like Yoda
Shock out to the rhythm you must
Ok, UK in the vibe we trust
I guess that brings us to most important question really, which is what is Juakali all about? Is just about pushing different sounds, about Rastafarism, something more personal, or a little bit of everything? If there's one thing you wanted people to know about Juakali what would it be?
Juakali is about a voice. It is personal.
There's seems to be a trend of a lot of sounds melting together all at around the same BPM 135-145 or so. Production-wise for yourself what would like to see happen in the future, more cross-pollination of the sounds of dancehall, grime, dubstep, dub, glitch-hop, and jungle... or a final distillation into one or two really strong styles? Do like the direction where dubstep is headed currently? Has it lost sight of it's "dub" influences?
This world is fast moving toward a global community. The style will become, 'who is not connected' ... 'who's off the radar'. The cross-pollination of styles, as you call it, is inevitable. However, there will be room for the root music or style of any genre, look at Classical, Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Rock & Roll, Country, Hip Hop for instance. As we move forward, time will call the genre into being and it will be taught and cherished. Currently, dancehall, grime, dubstep, dub, glitch-hop, and jungle... fit within the electronic realm, however, participants of our time have given them a name - it's a human thang. Dubstep has moved from 20 - 50 people in a 150sq.ft. dark room with decent sound to festivals. It didn't get there from a lack of understanding how music and sound influences people.
Who's hot right now and who are some of the up and coming MC's and producers to look out for?
I'm afraid I can't talk about who's hot right now cause I mostly listen to what isn't "hot" or what's the verge, but let me run down what I've been listening to of late and who I've been checking out.
Producers = Cardopusher
MC's/Vocals/Bands = Jah Dan, Nneka, Little Dragon, Zuzuka Ponderosa, MC Zulu, Spoek Mathambo, Ms Dynamite, Collie Buds, Sade, Gorillaz, Distant Relatives...
Would care to share any story road stories with us? What's been the sickest parties? What's the craziest things you seen and experience through your journeys as an MC and host?
Oi, I guess folks could check my blog on myspace or my notes on facebook... lots of stuff has happened... will happen. Best party from last year was opening for Chemical Brothers with Freq Nasty at the Fox Theater in Oakland. I lost my voice from excitement at the top of the set for about 30 seconds. Craziest experience was getting a 'presidential' on stage behind one for the side curtains, wont say which show that was...
Anything else to add or any shouts?
Shouts to 25 serious replies I got back in 2005 when introducing myself as a recording artist. Lic-a-shot for the Dub War fam, syncro in Czech Republic, Kush Arora, Sasha Dees in Amsterdam, Sub Swara, DMZ crew, Pinch and Maryanne Hobbs who got me and what I was doing from jump! Out to all area crew who know, are brave and noble. STAMINA CREW!!! I SEE YOU
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